Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 7

Dear everyone,
What I learned & What I applied
 This week I  learned  new things :


It is time to Collect Student Ideas Using Padlet

you can share me with your ideas about your project




 I taught my students how to create a Padlet and to post their ideas . 


I go through The ELT JOURNAL entitled " Learner autonomy" by Richard Smith
I liked Holec 's idea that the participants did not necessarily, at least have the full capacity (competence) to take charge of decision-making in all the areas normally determined by an institution, teacher, or textbook


MY point of view :

There is a relation between "LEARNER AUTONOMY" and "MOTIVATION " is to
-Increase student motivation by actively promoting learner autonomy through
a. Allowing learners real choices about as many aspects of the learning process as possible.
b. Handing over as much as you can of the various leadership/teaching roles and functions to the learners.
c. Adopting the role of a facilitator.

“I never teach my students. I simply provide the situations in which they can learn.” Einstein

My goals:
• Make your students independent of the teacher
• Help the learner to become independent and become his/her own mentor
• provide students with the tools to be able to learn on their own
• make your students part of the decision making about classroom activities
The role of teacher in developing learner autonomy:
• model role
• moderator
• facilitator
Useful web applications:
• Voicethread
• Vocaroo
• wikis
• Tutorials (,
• Moodle
• Audio boo

“Seeing is believing… Or seeing is knowing..?”

I’ve heard people say that “attention is the currency of the 21st century”…

Is it a eye-opening to realize how deep and connected language is?

One Computer Options

 Everything has it advantages and disadvantages. The pros to having computers in the classroom far outweigh the cons.

For me if I have one computer in the lab I can create a good and cheap method . By using one CPU I can link between it and with other screens for every student to share and submit instructions I gave . THE CONTROL of all theses screens are mine . using a free software 
As for how to connect one computer to other computers at the class via free software. 

I tried teamviewer program and it worked .
It is more than perfect , but if you have one pc and others screens with out a CPU you can see these links to get benefit.



  1. Hi Belal,
    Thanks for your genius ideas about creating a simple smart bord. I also liked your idea of creating a multi-monitor computer. It's an awesome idea as monitors are not that expensive. And special thanks for choosing me as your project partner.
    Mohamed Nasr

  2. Hi Belal

    This week your blog tells a lot. The information you provided is fruitful. Nice graphics too!
    Thanks for sharing.


    1. Dear kayyum

      Out of couristy .what about your score and the project grade .

  3. Hello Belal,
    I like your post. Einstein's quote is a good summary of the approach to learner autonomy. I think providing situations and many resources helps to promote learner autonomy. I like your idea of using teamviewer, I never thought of it before.
